Minikube also supports a --vm-driver=none option that runs the Kubernetes components on the host and not in a VM.
Using this driver requires Docker and a Linux environment but not a hypervisor.
If you’re using the none driver in Debian or a derivative, use the .deb packages for
Docker rather than the snap package, which does not work with Minikube.
You can download .deb packages from Docker.
Caution: The none VM driver can result in security and data loss issues.
Before using --vm-driver=none, consult this documentation for more information.
Minikube also supports a vm-driver=podman similar to the Docker driver. Podman run as superuser privilege (root user) is the best way to ensure that your containers have full access to any feature available on your system.
Caution: The podman driver requires running the containers as root because regular user accounts don’t have full access to all operating system features that their containers might need to run.
Install Minikube using a package
There are experimental packages for Minikube available; you can find Linux (AMD64) packages
from Minikube’s releases page on GitHub.
Use your Linux’s distribution’s package tool to install a suitable package.
Install Minikube via direct download
If you’re not installing via a package, you can download a stand-alone
binary and use that.
To install Minikube manually on Windows, download minikube-windows-amd64, rename it to minikube.exe, and add it to your path.
Confirm Installation
To confirm successful installation of both a hypervisor and Minikube, you can run the following command to start up a local Kubernetes cluster:
Note: For setting the --vm-driver with minikube start, enter the name of the hypervisor you installed in lowercase letters where <driver_name> is mentioned below. A full list of --vm-driver values is available in specifying the VM driver documentation.
minikube start --vm-driver=<driver_name>
Once minikube start finishes, run the command below to check the status of the cluster:
minikube status
If your cluster is running, the output from minikube status should be similar to:
After you have confirmed whether Minikube is working with your chosen hypervisor, you can continue to use Minikube or you can stop your cluster. To stop your cluster, run:
minikube stop
Clean up local state
If you have previously installed Minikube, and run:
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