Configure RunAsUserName for Windows pods and containers
Kubernetes v1.17
betaThis page shows how to enable and use the RunAsUserName
feature for pods and containers that will run on Windows nodes. This feature is meant to be the Windows equivalent of the Linux-specific runAsUser
feature, allowing users to run the container entrypoints with a different username that their default ones.
Note: This feature is in beta. The overall functionality forRunAsUserName
will not change, but there may be some changes regarding the username validation.
- Before you begin
- Set the Username for a Pod
- Set the Username for a Container
- Windows Username limitations
- What's next
Before you begin
You need to have a Kubernetes cluster and the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster. The cluster is expected to have Windows worker nodes where pods with containers running Windows workloads will get scheduled.
Set the Username for a Pod
To specify the username with which to execute the Pod’s container processes, include the securityContext
field (PodSecurityContext in the Pod specification, and within it, the windowsOptions
(WindowsSecurityContextOptions field containing the runAsUserName
The Windows security context options that you specify for a Pod apply to all Containers and init Containers in the Pod.
Here is a configuration file for a Windows Pod that has the runAsUserName
field set:
Create the Pod:
kubectl apply -f
Verify that the Pod’s Container is running:
kubectl get pod run-as-username-pod-demo
Get a shell to the running Container:
kubectl exec -it run-as-username-pod-demo -- powershell
Check that the shell is running user the correct username:
echo $env:USERNAME
The output should be:
Set the Username for a Container
To specify the username with which to execute a Container’s processes, include the securityContext
field (SecurityContext) in the Container manifest, and within it, the windowsOptions
(WindowsSecurityContextOptions field containing the runAsUserName
The Windows security context options that you specify for a Container apply only to that individual Container, and they override the settings made at the Pod level.
Here is the configuration file for a Pod that has one Container, and the runAsUserName
field is set at the Pod level and the Container level:
Create the Pod:
kubectl apply -f
Verify that the Pod’s Container is running:
kubectl get pod run-as-username-container-demo
Get a shell to the running Container:
kubectl exec -it run-as-username-container-demo -- powershell
Check that the shell is running user the correct username (the one set at the Container level):
echo $env:USERNAME
The output should be:
Windows Username limitations
In order to use this feature, the value set in the runAsUserName
field must be a valid username. It must have the following format: DOMAIN\USER
, where DOMAIN\
is optional. Windows user names are case insensitive. Additionally, there are some restrictions regarding the DOMAIN
and USER
- The
field cannot be empty, and it cannot contain control characters (ASCII values:0x00-0x1F
) - The
must be either a NetBios name, or a DNS name, each with their own restrictions:- NetBios names: maximum 15 characters, cannot start with
(dot), and cannot contain the following characters:\ / : * ? " < > |
- DNS names: maximum 255 characters, contains only alphanumeric characters, dots, and dashes, and it cannot start or end with a
(dot) or-
- NetBios names: maximum 15 characters, cannot start with
- The
must have at most 20 characters, it cannot contain only dots or spaces, and it cannot contain the following characters:" / \ [ ] : ; | = , + * ? < > @
Examples of acceptable values for the runAsUserName
field: ContainerAdministrator
, ContainerUser
For more information about these limtations, check here and here.
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What's next
- Guide for scheduling Windows containers in Kubernetes
- Managing Workload Identity with Group Managed Service Accounts (GMSA)
- Configure GMSA for Windows pods and containers
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